Legal/Homeschool Laws
Laws that regulate home education vary from state to state. It is important to understand the legal requirements in your state and to be aware of legislative and other legal issues that affect homeschoolers in your community. We've compiled resources that will help you become informed. Although homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, and the vast majority of homeschoolers face no problems, you may find that you need legal assistance at some point in your homeschooling career. We've compiled a list of resources to help you find the support you need. And if you'd like to become more involved in working towards homeschooling freedoms, we discuss some of the issues facing homeschoolers that we hope you find compelling.
State Laws
Read the laws regulating home education in Tennessee and browse through the case law and legal opinions relating to those laws, along with government publications relating to homeschooling and summaries of the laws.
Which forms do you need to fill out? Where can you get them? Here is a list of useful forms for homeschooling in Tennessee.
Legal Support
If you need legal information or have run into a legal situation regarding your decision to homeschool, these resources will be helpful.
Lobbying Groups
A listing of local and national lobbying groups and information on how you can become involved in the political process to ensure the freedom to homeschool is protected.
When searching for an attorney, it is helpful to know whether he or she has experience working with homeschoolers and is interested in protecting the right to homeschool.
Legal Issues
Is homeschooling legal? Which laws pertain to homeschoolers and which don't? How do homeschoolers protect their rights to freely educate their children and to preserve their privacy?
Government Resources
A listing of local and state government resources, including your state's Department of Education, school districts, and Senate and House of Representative information.
What's Popular
Cato Institute
The Cato Institute was founded in 1977 by Edward H. Crane. It is a non-profit public policy research foundation headquartered in Washington, D.C. The Cato Institute seeks to broaden the parameters of public policy debate to allow consideration of the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and peace. Toward that goal, the Institute strives to achieve greater involvement of the intelligent, concerned lay public in questions of policy and the proper ...
Church-Related Home School Procedures
This is a summary of part of the statutes regulating home eduation in Tennesse. Provided by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Tennessee School Districts Directory
This is a list with contact information of all school districts in Tennessee.
Home School Student Attendance Template for 2005-2006
This attendance template is provided by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Memphis Area Home Education Association (MAHE)
MHEA is a Christian organization dedicated to serving home educators by providing support, encouragement and assistance, advancing home schooling, and helping to safeguard and promote parental authority in education. They monitor legislation, lobby for the homeschool community, and act as a liaison between homeschoolers and public officials. They also sponsor a high school graduation, sports programs, cheerleading, honor society, field day, a science fair, and a senior high banquet.
Tennessee Home School Laws from HSLDA
The Home School Legal Defense Association provides a brief summary of the homeschooling laws in Tennessee. Includes a link to a legal analysis of laws relating to homeschooling in Tennessee.
Tennessee Notice of Intent to Home School Form 2541
This pdf file is a Department of Education form.
Tennhomeschoolers Legislation
This forum gives homeschoolers in Tennessee the opportunity to discuss and share information regarding proposed legislation affecting the current Tennesse homeschooling laws.
Home School Student Attendance Template for 2006-2007
This attendance template is provided by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Home Schooling in Tennessee - Basic Information
This summary is provided by the Tennesse Department of Education.
Tennessee Home Education Association (THEA)
THEA is a volunteer organization of home schooling parents, who chose to accept no government funds and desire no government oversight of their teachers or curriculum. THEA Chapters make every effort to bring the educational services as close to each family's home as possible, including curriculum fairs, workshops, training sessions and speakers for support groups.
Requirements for Church and Independent Home Schools
This is a chart that covers all of the requirements for each option to homeschool under the current law. Provided by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Independent Home School Procedures
This is a summary of part of the statutes regulating home eduation in Tennesse. Provided by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Tennessee Department of Education
The Tennessee Department of Education provides servies and learning opportunities for students pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.
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